News Sheet
Click on the date to open the relevant news sheet
- 26th December 2010
- Christmas Celebrations,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 19th December 2010
- Christmas Day, Christmas Celebrations,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group News,
Preaching Plans, Flower Rota, Recommended watching this week,
Dundee Instrumental Brass
Band, Bible Study Group,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 12th December 2010
- Christmas Day, Christmas Celebrations,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group News,
Flower Rota, Rev Benson Chongo,
Dundee Choral Union “Opera Night”,
Circuit Preachers' meeting, Dundee Instrumental Brass
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 5th December 2010
Flower Rota, Sale of the Dundee Manse,
2011 - The Year of The Bible,
“Come and Sing Event”, “Tosca” by
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Christmas Tree Decoration Party,
Dundee Choral Union “Opera Night”,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society.
- 28th November 2010
Flower Rota, Bible Reading,
Christmas Tree Decoration Party,
“Come and Sing Event”
Circuit Preachers' Meeting, Broughty Ferry Churches Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Christmas with the Impromptu Singers,
Christmas Concerts by The Samuel Chorus,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee Choral Union “Opera Night”,
“Tosca” by
- 21st November 2010
- Lunch Today, The Bible, UNICEF Jars of Grace,
Flower Rota,
Worship Group points,
Bible Study Group, Broughty Ferry Churches Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Advent Quiet Day, Christmas Fayre,
Music in St Paul's: Hilfoot Harmony,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Christmas with the Impromptu Singers,
Christmas Concerts by The Samuel Chorus,
Dundee Choral Union “Opera Night”,
“Tosca” by
- 14th November 2010
- Lunch next Sunday, UNICEF Jars of Grace,
Rotary Shoe Boxes,
Pastoral Committee points,
Property Committee, Service & Mission Committee,
Fellowship Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Dundee 'Christmas Light Night' Music,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Music in St Paul's: Hilfoot Harmony.
- 7th November 2010
- Rotary Shoe Boxes, UNICEF Jars of Grace, Choir,
Action for Children,
Lunch Invitation, Pastoral Committee points,
“With God on our Side”,
“Israel and the Church”,
Circuit Leadership Team,
Worship Group open meeting,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
District Policy Committee,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Music in St Paul's: Hilfoot Harmony,
“Mission Worship” International Conference
2010, Dundee 'Christmas Light Night' Music,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 31st October 2010
- Rotary Shoe Boxes, UNICEF Jars of Grace, Choir,
Action for Children,
Lunch Invitation, Church Council points,
“Prisons - the problem or
the solution”,
“Set The Prisoners Free”,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
“With God on our Side”,
“Israel and the Church”,
Worship Group open meeting,
Music in St Paul's: Hilfoot Harmony,
“Mission Worship” International Conference
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 24th October 2010
- Rotary Shoe Boxes, UNICEF Jars of Grace,
Action for Children,
Lunch Invitation, Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”.
See Off Scams, “Faith Schools a Menace?”,
Pastoral Committee,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
setting out for Café Service,
“So this is Christmas”,
Music in St Paul's: Emma Versteeg,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
“Prisons - the problem or
the solution”,
“Set The Prisoners Free”,
“With God on our Side”,
“Israel and the Church”,
Worship Group open meeting,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 17th October 2010
- UNICEF Jars of Grace,
Café Service - Jenny's Request,
Micah Challenge 2010, One World Week: 17th - 24th October,
Lunch Invitation, Bible Study Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
The Methodist Big Day Out for Young People in Scotland,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”.
See Off Scams, Music in St Paul's: Emma Versteeg,
“So this is Christmas”,
“With God on our Side”,
“Israel and the Church”,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 10th October 2010
- Methodist Relief and Development Fund Envelopes,
Parking near Marketgait,
Café Service - Jenny's Request,
Circuit Plan-making Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Open meeting of Synod, “Celebrate Volunteering”,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
The Methodist Big Day Out for Young People in Scotland,
Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”.
See Off Scams, “With God on our Side”,
“Israel and the Church”,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 3rd October 2010
- Methodist Relief and Development Fund Envelopes,
Parking near Marketgait,
Café Service - Jenny's Request,
Fellowship Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”.
Health Matters, The Edinburgh String Quartet,
Concert at Tollcross Methodist Central Hall,
Open meeting of Synod,
“Celebrate Volunteering”
The Methodist Big Day Out for Young People in Scotland,
Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”.
See Off Scams, “With God on our Side”,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 26th September 2010
- Methodist Relief and Development Fund Envelopes,
Café Service - Jenny's Request,
Church Council, Circuit Meeting,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”.
Health Matters, The Edinburgh String Quartet,
Concert at Tollcross Methodist Central Hall,
“Celebrate Volunteering”
The Methodist Big Day Out for Young People in Scotland,
Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”.
See Off Scams, “With God on our Side”,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 19th September 2010
- Arbroath Songs of Praise,
Circuit Preachers' Meeting, Caird Hall Organ Concert,
Church Council, Bible Reading Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”.
Health Matters,
Concert at Tollcross Methodist Central Hall,
The Methodist Big Day Out for Young People in Scotland,
Dundee CAN: “Celebrate Age Network”.
See Off Scams,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 12th September 2010
- Dundee For Christ - 'Broadcast',
World Council of Churches Executive Visit to Scotland,
launch of MECTIS (Minority Ethnic Churches Together
in Scotland), “Mission
and Development - what place do they have in the life of the
Church?”, Caird Hall Organ Concert,
Art & Craft Exhibition,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Introduction to Apologetics Evangelism,
Music in St Paul's, Arbroath Songs of Praise,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Church Council, Concert at Tollcross Methodist Central Hall,
The Methodist Big Day Out for Young People in Scotland,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 5th September 2010
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Christian Aid Lunches,
Circuit Leadership Team,
Caird Hall Organ Concert,
Scotland District Synod,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
World Council of Churches Executive Visit to Scotland,
launch of MECTIS (Minority Ethnic Churches Together
in Scotland), “Mission
and Development - what place do they have in the life of the
Music for an Autumn Evening,
Introduction to Apologetics Evangelism,
The Methodist Big Day Out for Young People in Scotland,
“ Out of the Silent Church” Conference.
- 29th August 2010
Children's Group rotas,
“The Million Dollar Man”,
Ecumenical Exploration in recognition of Pope Benedict's
Visit, Caird Hall Organ Concert,
Welcome for Rev Benson Chongo, Dundee Flower and Food Festival,
Music in St Paul's,
Commissioning Service of
Jenny Lee as President of Women's Network Scotland,
Carlogie House Fun Day,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Anniversary Celebrations of the 1611 King James Bible,
2009 Scottish Bible Society Bicentenary Appeal for Brazil,
Music for an Autumn Evening.
- 22nd August 2010
Café Service - next Sunday,
Crèche & Children's Group rotas,
Manse for Rev Benson Chongo,
IBRA & Prayer Handbooks,
MRDF Pakistan Floods Appeal: latest news,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network,
Insight Counselling, “Senior Citizens' Break”,
Broughty Ferry Information Fayre for Older People,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group meeting,
Scottish Bible Society,
Ecumenical Exploration in recognition of Pope Benedict's
Welcome for Rev Benson Chongo,
Commissioning Service of
Jenny Lee as President of Women's Network Scotland.
- 15th August 2010
Café Service - 29th August,
IBRA & Prayer Handbooks,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network,
Insight Counselling, “Senior Citizens' Break”,
Broughty Ferry Information Fayre for Older People,
Ecumenical Exploration in recognition of Pope Benedict's
Welcome for Rev Benson Chongo,
Commissioning Service of
Jenny Lee as President of Women's Network Scotland.
- 8th August 2010
Invitation to Broughty Ferry Churches Group,
Café Service - 29th August,
Property News,
Manse: Rev Benson Chongo & family,
Bible Study,
Scottish Bible Society,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network,
“Senior Citizens' Break”;
Ecumenical Exploration in recognition of Pope Benedict's
Welcome for Rev Benson Chongo,
Commissioning Service of
Jenny Lee as President of Women's Network Scotland,
“Mission Worship” International Conference
- 1st August 2010
Invitation to Broughty Ferry Churches Group,
“Hope in God's Future: Christian Discipleship
in the context of Climate Change”, Scottish Bible Society,
Worship Group, Habitat for Humanity,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network;
“Walker's Week”, “Senior Citizens' Break”;
Ecumenical Exploration in recognition of Pope Benedict's
Visit, “Mission Worship” International Conference
- 1st August 2010
Invitation to Broughty Ferry Churches Group,
“Hope in God's Future: Christian Discipleship
in the context of Climate Change”, Scottish Bible Society,
Worship Group, Habitat for Humanity,
Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network;
“Walker's Week”, “Senior Citizens' Break”;
Ecumenical Exploration in recognition of Pope Benedict's
Visit, “Mission Worship” International Conference
- 25th July 2010
Methodist Homes,
Exciting Job Opportunity for a young person,
Feed The Minds Overseas Book Service,
Scottish Bible Society, Scottish Churches House: Prayer Network;
“Walker's Week”, “Senior Citizens' Break”;
Ecumenical Exploration in recognition of Pope Benedict's
Visit, “Mission Worship” International Conference
- 18th July 2010
Rev David Firth, Methodist Homes, Methodist Conference 2010,
Exciting Job Opportunity for a young person,
General Church Meeting Notes,
Friends Of Nablus and Surrounding Areas,
Scottish Bible Society, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network.
- 11th July 2010
Methodist Homes, Methodist Conference 2010,
Exciting Job Opportunity for a young person,
A Word of Thanks,
Friends Of Nablus and Surrounding Areas,
Scottish Bible Society, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Churches House Jubilee
Birthday Open Day.
- 4th July 2010
Methodist Homes, General Church Meeting,
Scottish Bible Society, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
International Theological Summer School seminar
“Vision for the Future”, Scottish Churches House Jubilee
Birthday Open Day.
- 27th June 2010
Methodist Homes, General Church Meeting,
Scottish Bible Society, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
“Music for a Summer Evening”,
Fellowship Group,
International Theological Summer School seminar
“Vision for the Future”,
Broughty Ferry Gala Songs of Praise.
- 20th June 2010
- Methodist Homes, General Church Meeting,
Church Council Points, Preachers' BBQ, & Meeting,
Friends of the Earth Tayside : consultation on integration
of public transport in Dundee,
Power Point Training tutorial,
'Great Big Tea Party', Strawberry Tea at Blairgowrie,
Scottish Bible Society, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
“Music for a Summer Evening”,
Fellowship Group,
International Theological Summer School seminar
“Vision for the Future”,
Broughty Ferry Gala Songs of Praise.
- 13th June 2010
- David Firth, Umtha Welanga, “Edinburgh 2010”,
Methodist Homes,
Pastoral Committee meeting Points, Scottish Bible Society, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
General Church Meeting - change of date, “450th Anniversary of the Scottish Reformation”,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group annual planning meeting,
Choral Evensong - RSCM Scottish Voices,
consultation on integration
of public transport in Dundee,
'Great Big Tea Party', Strawberry Tea at Blairgowrie,
“Music for a Summer Evening”
International Theological Summer School seminar
“Vision for the Future”,
Scottish Churches House Jubilee
Birthday Open Day.
- 6th June 2010
David Firth, Umtha Welanga, “Edinburgh 2010”,
Methodist Homes,
Circuit Meeting Report, Scottish Bible Society, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
General Church Meeting - change of date, Change to Plan for June-August,
“Heart for Haiti”, District Resourcing Day,
Music at St Paul's, Christian Aid Tay Road Bridge Crossing,
Church Council, International Theological Summer School seminar
“Vision for the Future”,
Scottish Churches House Jubilee
Birthday Open Day.
- 30th May 2010
District Resourcing Day, “Edinburgh 2010”,
Pastoral Committee,
Scottish Bible Society, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Music at St Paul's: Matthew McAllister - guitar,
Doncaster Wheatsheaf Singers “Singing for
Pleasure”, “Breakout”,
General Church Meeting, Solas - Centre For Public
Christianity Dundee.
- 23rd May 2010
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch,
Scottish Bible Society,
Music at St Paul's: Matthew McAllister - guitar,
Doncaster Wheatsheaf Singers “Singing for
General Church Meeting.
- 16th May 2010
Christian Aid Week,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch,
Scottish Bible Society,
“Songs of the Scottis Reformatioun 1560”,
Music at St Paul's: Matthew McAllister - guitar,
Doncaster Wheatsheaf Singers “Singing for
Circuit Leadership Team, General Church Meeting.
- 9th May 2010
Christian Aid Week,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Circuit Meeting, “Songs of the Scottis Reformatioun 1560”,
Choral Concert by the Samuel Chorus, Christian Aid Coffee Morning,
Music at St Paul's, Doncaster Wheatsheaf Singers “Singing for
Circuit Leadership Team, General Church Meeting.
- 2nd May 2010
Pastoral, “Edinburgh 2010”, News-sheet,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Small (Fellowship) Group, Society
Religion and Technology Project, Partnership in Practice,
Choral Concert by the Samuel Chorus, Christian Aid Coffee Morning,
Music at St Paul's, Doncaster Wheatsheaf Singers “Singing for
Solas - Centre For Public Christianity Dundee.
- 25th April 2010
Pastoral, General Election Hustings - change of venue,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, SRBS Public Shareholders' Meeting,
Small (Fellowship) Group, Society
Religion and Technology Project, Partnership in Practice,
Choral Concert by the Samuel Chorus,
Solas - Centre For Public Christianity Dundee.
- 18th April 2010
General Election Hustings,
“Breakout”, Circuit Preachers' “Living
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, SRBS Public Shareholders' Meeting,
Christian Aid Roadshow, Society
Religion and Technology Project,
Solas - Centre For Public Christianity Dundee.
- 11th April 2010
Easter Offerings, Thanksgiving Service,
“Breakout”, Ladders available, District Spring Synod,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Partnership in Practice - Review Event,
Christian Aid Roadshow, Café Chantant,
Concert by Dundee University
Bach Consort.
- 4th April 2010
Easter Offerings, Thanksgiving Service,
“Breakout”, Ladders available, Fellowship Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Partnership in Practice - Review Event,
Christian Aid Roadshow, Christian Aid Tay Road Bridge Crossing.
- 28th March 2010
Holy Week, Ladders available, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Fellowship Group,
Christian Aid Roadshow, Christian Aid Tay Road Bridge Crossing.
- 21st March 2010
Lent Observance, Circuit Stationing Update,
Property Matters, “Saving Lives Changing Lives”,
Pastoral Committee,
Church Stewards' Meeting,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
“Race and Religion in Dundee”,
Dundee University Music Society : Concert including
Mozart's “Requiem”, Procession of Witness
Event for Family Members affected by Substance Misuse,
Christian Aid Roadshow, Christian Aid Tay Road Bridge Crossing.
- 14th March 2010
Publicity Spot! Circuit Preachers Meeting,
Circuit and Church Treasurers' Meeting, Circuit Meeting,
Fellowship Group: “The Cross:
part 2”, Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
“Race and Religion in Dundee”,
Event for Family Members affected by Substance Misuse,
Christian Aid Roadshow.
- 7th March 2010
World Church Sunday, Lent Observance,
Preaching Plans, Church Council points, Lent Groups,
Meadowside St Paul's Guild,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society,
Replacement of Property Maintenance Items.
- 28th February 2010
Pulpit Exchange, FairTrade Fortnight: 22nd February to 7th March,
Count your blessings, Lent Observance,
Preaching Plans, Circuit Day, Lent Groups,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, World Day of Prayer,
Replacement of Property Maintenance Items,
Children's Work Group.
- 21st February 2010
Pulpit Exchange, FairTrade Fortnight: 22nd February to 7th March,
Count your blessings, Lent Observance,
Meadowside St Paul's Guild, Lent Groups,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Circuit Leadership Team,
“Race and Religion in Dundee”.
- 14th February 2010
Lent Observance, Count your blessings,
Shrove Tuesday “Pancakes and Fellowship”,
Ash Wednesday Worship including imposition of Ashes,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group Service of Ashes,
“God and
the Big
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Fellowship Group, Circuit Leadership Team,
Church Council, “Race and Religion in Dundee”.
- 7th February 2010
Latest News from 'Fife Fellowship in Africa', Haiti,
“Towards a Round-Table Church”,
Muslim-Christian Perspectives, 'Project - Israel and Palestine Conflict',
Dundee University CU Outreach Events,
“God and
the Big
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Fellowship Group, Finance &
Property Committee, Church Council.
- 31st January 2010
News from 'Fife Fellowship in Africa', The Royal Highland Show,
Men's Discipleship Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Worship Group, Finance & Property Committee.
- 24th January 2010
Haiti, Homelessness Sunday, Circuit News - Stationing Update,
Muslim-Christian Perspectives, Meadowside St Paul’s
Guild Meeting - Burns Supper, Circuit Leadership Team,
Finance and Property Committee postponed, Fellowship Group,
Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Worship Group
- 17th January 2010
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Café-Service,
Caring Christmas Trees, Circuit Plan-making Team, Broughty Ferry Churches Group
Christian Aid lunch, Coffee and worship,
Statement of Partnership between
the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Methodist Church, and the
United Reformed Church (“EMU”),
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Finance and Property Committee,
Fellowship Group - Philemon.
- 10th January 2010
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
- 3rd January 2010
District Events, “Holiness and Risk Weekend”,
District Resourcing Day, Health and Safety,
Café-Service Planning Group,
Scottish Churches House Prayer Network,
Scottish Bible Society, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,
“God and
the Big