Dundee Methodist Church

4 May 2014

Next Sunday
11 May 2014

11 am
Worship led by Mr Jeff Smart

We give the assurance of our thoughts and prayers to all who are unwell, awaiting or undergoing treatment, or anxious or grieving for the loss of loved ones.

Next Sunday's Preacher

Next Sunday morning's service will be led by Mr Jeff Smart. It will be his Trial Service as a “Preacher on Note”. Jeff, a Circuit Steward, and of St John's, Arbroath, is under the tutorage of Mrs Sue Marshall-Jennings, whose name appears on the Plan.

Easter Offering Appeal

As is customary, envelopes in aid of the annual Appeal in support of the mission of the church world-wide are available. Please return them in coming weeks via the offering plate. So far £84.60 has been received.

Christian Aid Envelopes

Christian Aid Week runs this year from 11th to 17th May, and its theme is 'Living free from Fear'. If you wish to contribute via an envelope, and have not received one through your door, please take one from the table at the top of the stairs. Filled envelopes, gift-aided if possible, obtained from any source, may be returned via the collection plate over the next month.

“A Life More Ordinary”

ENABLE Scotland, of which the Link Club is a Special Interest Branch, has joined with Radio Scotland to produce a series of 4 programmes. Each will tell the story of an ENABLE member's life, focussing on the thread of progress for people who have a learning disability.

The broadcasts will be on Radio Scotland at 1.30pm on Thursdays, repeated the following Sunday at 6am, then available on BBC iPlayer for the next 7 days.Each broadcast lasts just under half-an-hour.

Dundee Methodists and Food Banks

We support the Dundee Foodbank by bringing in any of the suggested items from the Shopping List (on the table on the upstairs landing) and placing them in the large blue Bucket provided nearby. An explanatory slip is also available. There is also need for plastic carrier bags of suitable size; please place any spares by the Bucket. Monetary donations are also welcome. Contact Liz Kay for further information.

Riverside Methodist Church, Blairgowrie

A special Church Council was held on Thursday evening and as a result the following Press Release is issued.

Church decides to move out of 127 year old building

The Methodist Church have agreed that they will move out of their 127 year old building in Riverside Road, a landmark building in Blairgowrie. Members of the Church Council made the decision at a meeting on 1st May because they can no longer afford the upkeep and running costs of an historic 200 seat church.

As well as the enormous heating costs there are also expensive issues to be dealt with in the fabric of the building.

This decision was not made lightly. The church has a proud history in Blairgowrie since opening in 1887.

In 1885 Mr David Borrie, a local businessman, had left his fortune for the building of a Methodist church in the town.

The church contains several stained glass windows including a large war memorial window honouring those from The Labour Corps regiment who gave their lives in the First World War.

The organ in the church is an historically significant instrument made in 1870 by Peter Conacher.

The church will continue to meet in their building on Riverside Road whilst their professional advisors investigate possibilities for the future of the site. Once the future of the building is finalised, the church plan to continue to meet for worship and other activities at another venue in the town.

Meetings this week

Date & timeVenueDetails
Wednesday 7th May 2014, 10am to 11.30am Blairgowrie Methodist Church Coffee Morning
Thursday 8th May 2014, 6pm Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education, 124 Blackness Road, DD1 5PE ' 'The Science and Technology of Exploration' lecture by Prof David Bradley, Abertay University. The lecture is free, but registration is required - email openlectures@almcollege.org.uk.
Friday 9th May 2014, 12 noon to 1pm YMCA 151 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry (opposite “M&S Food”) (map) . A choice of soups is offered, with bread and cheese, followed by tea or coffee, for which a minimum donation of £2 is requested. A warm welcome is extended to all to partake of the Soup Lunch and join in the warm table fellowship throughout the autumn and spring.

Support other Organisations

Scottish Bible Society

Our support via the Bible-a-Month Club is invited in May for work in South Sudan.

Our prayerful attention is drawn this week to

  • the distribution of the New Testament in the Beembe language of Congo (Brazzaville) and their Good Samaritan project helping people affected by HIV / AIDS;
  • women who are victims of violence in Congo (Democratic Republic);
  • the United Bible Societies annual Day of Prayer with freedom to operate in over 200 countries.

Forthcoming events

Date & timeVenueDetails
Saturday 10th May 2014, 10.30am (refreshments) to 4pm St Matthew's Church of Scotland, Tay Street Perth PH1 5TE “Touching Places” The Scotland Methodist District Holiness and Risk Team is arranging this event to help our thinking about
  • what makes a place special?
  • how do we develop the Church as 'a touching place'?
  • how do we explore places and spaces?
  • how do we connect to our communities through 'touching places'?

The event is free; lunch provided.
Please register by now, via the booking form on vestibule table or forwardable online from District Office or Synod members, or contact the District Administrator, Fiona Inglis, in the Office Old Churches House, Kirk Street, Dunblane FK15 0AJ, tel: 01786 820295,e-mail: fiona@methodistchurch.plus.com.

Prayer Points for this week

  • the Vice-President of Conference in Shetland this weekend;
  • the President, the Vice-President and all those at the Diaconal Convocation Tuesday to Thursday;
  • Synod's agreement to go to Conference for the union of the Glasgow and Lanarkshire Circuits into a Strathclyde Circuit;
  • the future for Riverside Methodist Church, Blairgowrie;
  • Al Ahli Hospital's cancer services, Gaza (Embrace);
  • reaching people in Uganda (MAF);
  • projects, residents & staff in the Lincoln & Grimsby District (Methodist Homes);
  • World Fairtrade Day on Saturday (Christian Aid);
  • Research, Evaluation & Monitoring projects around the world (The Leprosy Mission);
  • Bible Society work in South Sudan and also for 200 years of the Danish Bible Society;
  • we pray with and for the peoples of Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda (WCC);
  • we remember Methodists in Bournemouth (Southampton District) and in Pollokshaws and Mosspark (Glasgow Circuit).